SST2U is one the largest continuing education/ professional development platforms in Malaysia. It specializes in executive courses and collaborate with world-renowned universities/ business schools to provide blended training courses. The company is ISO 9001:2015 certified and is recognized by the Malaysian Human Resource Development Corporation and various other Government agencies. To-date, 300 courses are on offer and the company has served more than 13,000 business executives from over 6,000 organizations in the region.
小巨人企业培育有限公司是马来西亚最大的继续教育和高管培育发展平台之一。小巨人有庞大的企业导师团队,并与世界知名大学/ 商学院合作,提供线上和实体混合培训课程。公司有ISO 9001:2015认证 ,也获得马来西亚人力资源部, 社险机构, 环境部, 国家技术专家委员会, 大马昌明职业培育计划的认可。小巨人提供超过300门课程,并为超过5,000家机构的 13,000名商业高管提供培育服务。